New Items This Month, Online Only, Local Products, Our Picks, Specials and Mixed Packs/Kits
Juicy or Hazy India Pale Ale, American-Style India Pale Ale, American-Style Pale Ale, American-Style Imperial Stout
Last Chance, Low Carb/Low Cal, Non-Alcoholic, Organic, Gluten Free or Reduced


Fall Update

It has been a while since we sent out an email! It has been a busy season here at EStation, and we have a lot to update you on, including upcoming fundraisers, new products, and a personal update at the end. I’ll try and keep it to the point!

But let’s start with pizza, of course!

We have been super happy with how well our pizza has been received. I hope you’ve had a chance to try it. We made a decision to make a dough that we are extremely happy with, but the downside is we can’t make it on demand. It needs to rise and ferment.

Which means we’ve sold out of pizza a few nights now. I’m sincerely sorry if you got left in the cold (pizza) one evening during the last the last couple weeks.

We are now doing lunch service as well, starting at noon. You can order online in person, via phone, or on our website by clicking here.

We are excited for our Oktoberfest pizza, which I highly recommend you give a try. We’ll have it through 10/6, and then we are switching up our special.

or the month of October we are doing a fundraiser with Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center! $1 from every pizza sold in October will go towards their prevention and intervention services.

We will start up school fundraisers again in November. Please reach out to me at if you are part of a PTA/PTO and would like to partner with us for a school fundraiser. We’ll make it very simple!

It is fresh hop IPA season, and they are coming in hot and heavy. And heading out the door just as quickly.

If you have never had the chance to be in Yakima during the hop harvest, it is very unique and just amazing. The entire valley smells like fresh hops, and you sort of realize you have never actually smelled hops before. It is something that simply cannot be bottled, but the fresh hop IPAs (and some lagers now) do the best possible job containing that sense. They are best enjoyed as fresh as possible, and we have already gone through a number of offerings from different breweries here.

We have two fridges dedicated to fresh hop beers, and I highly recommend you try them out. Each brewery does their own unique version, and it is totally worth trying a few different ones. I have been part of making fresh hop beers, and the hops are harvested, bagged and vacuumed sealed, and driven directly to NW breweries. I have watched as boxes and bags are opened and the aromatic green hops are moved expeditiously into the tanks to make the IPAs; the hop cones left out (I will almost always take a handful to enjoy the aroma of) will turn brown within about a half hour or so. It is quite something.

Highly, highly recommend. A very special opportunity that almost no other region of the country can duplicate. Here is a photo I took of the hop vines in Yakima next to Bale Breaker brewery:

Lastly, a personal update.

First of all, if you didn’t see the post, Charles has been approached about a new position in a new field. He is very excited about it, and you should totally ask him about it.
We are currently finishing up rounds of interviews with wonderful, amazing people, to take his position. We hope to have a great new person to take over the day to day management by next week.

And myself, and this was kind of a surprise even to myself, I am now student teaching for the fall/winter. I had finished up my studies earlier, and just need to student teach to get my teaching certificate. I am excited to be at Northern Heights Elementary in 5th grade, until mid January. It has been awesome, and I’ve been learning a lot. I come to the store after that during the week, but that has been a big chance. We’ll see where that goes, but I just thought I’d give you a little update on what I’ve been up to.

Thanks again for all your support. It means so much to us. We work hard to provide a fun environment and world-class drinks and food to enjoy. As always, let us know if we can serve you better.


P.S. I mentioned in my last email that my friend Steven is working on an exciting project to bring refugees to Bellingham. You may have seen his videos and updates in the Herald now. If you want more info, here is the latest article. Cheers!

Elizabeth Station